Sunday, October 21, 2012
Have you noticed how people always seem to have an opinion on everything related to pregnancy, birth, labor and parenting? The list can go on and of the biggest challenges women who are pregnant face is negativity towards their birth choices. We need to provide an environment of non-judgement. Everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have and NONE of us should feel, or make other people feel bad for what choice they made.
One of the roles of being a Doula is providing emotional support. Women have a keen intuition on what they feel is best for their body and baby....after all they are the ones that have been living in their body! Doulas many times speak about "holding the space" allowing the woman the ability to just BE with her choices....really look at them from every different angle...providing her with information if needed...but sometimes, just being enough. That takes patience, kindness and unconditional love. WE all have our own ideas of what WE think is best...yet we need to allow the woman to make those choices and receive support for them, whether or not we align we her choice.
The majority of the time, we only hear about 'bad' stories surrounding birth. Here are some great stories you might not have heard yet: When discussing options with friends that might be pregnant, ask them this questions: "How can I support you?" ...and just see what their response is.
Normal Hospital Birth
Water Birth
Birthed at Home in the Caul
Surprise! Twins, Roadside No Less
Calm Hynobabies Mom: Homebirth
A Mother with a Sense of Humor
Help for a Natural Hospital Birth
Saturday, October 20, 2012
"The way a society views a pregnant and birthing woman, reflects how that society views women as a whole. If women are considered weak in their most powerful moments, what does that mean?" ~Marcie Macari
The Case for Evidence Based Care:
When a woman learns that she is pregnant, waves of different emotions course through her veins throughout her pregnancy. Choices have to be made, not only during pregnancy, labor and birth...but everyday. It can be exhausting to weed out the things we consciously choose not to embrace by being a new parent. The Case for Evidence Based Care is reaching a critical mass; The US has a higher maternity mortality rate than 40 other countries, yet we as a nation spend MORE than any other country on healthcare. Women want to be treated as they are human, not based on 'norms' and 'averages' and 'protocol' and definitely not heard when discussing options with their Primary Care Provider. EVERY woman is different just as EVERY pregnancy/birth/labor is different. I can see on one hand why protocol and policies are put in ensure their is a formatted way of handling each situation that can embracing that kind of we loose sight of the essence of birth? Do we loose sight of the magic, the blessing, the mystical arrival of a new human being on this planet? Is there a way to build the bridge? Can we support the essence of birth while still providing the best possible care? Can we stand side by side women and help them make choices about their bodies, their pregnancy and their child without manipulation, harsh words/tones and attitudes that dis-empower them instead of lift them up? I think it begins with each of us, creating a small ripple of encouragement and joy for our family, friends and acquaintances. Only by making better choices, actively participating in our experience, can we learn through our choices and learn to make better ones.
Resources for Evidence Based Care:
Supporting Healthy Childbirth
Zero Weeks of Maternity in the US
Ending the Birth Wars
What Babies Learn During Pregnancy
Getting What We Want Out of Birth
Birth Freedom by Ina May Gaskin
What is Patient Centered Care?
Take Back Your Birth
Monday, August 13, 2012
How Can You Meet a Doula?
No one is going to do the advertising for you.
No one is going to brainstorm about where to put your information where people who are interested in your services will be able to find you.
No one will create the 'ad campaign' to put on TV, so people can see your pearly whites...
Its all up to me. I am ok with that. Because I know the value that I bring to my clients and future clients. Its important for me to get my name out there so individuals will be able to find my services!
I have noticed through various Doula Meetings around the Valley, that there are a lot of new Doulas looking for women to serve. We go over how to 'market' ourselves briefly in our training, yet its basically Trial and Error. Plant some seeds, see what grows...keep doing the things that work.
Upon meeting some other Doulas in the area; we decided to create a "Meet the Doula" event. Our thought process behind it was that there are parents to be WANTING our services, they just don't really know where to look. Its especially the case if they recently moved here, don't have friends in the area that have recently hired a Doula for their own birth. Considering there are over 50,000 births every year in Maricopa county...I am sure some of those mothers would appreciate additional support!
We wanted to be efficient with the Doulas time, and the parents to be. Thus creating our Monthly "Meet the Doula" Event. Where moms and dads can come and learn about Doula care, birth and postpartum, meet Doulas that serve the Valley area and if anything; walk away from the event with a bit more information for them to be provided with Evidence Based Care. We wanted it to be consistent as well, so people didn't have to remember a different time or place every month.
If you are in the area and are looking for additional support, or know someone who is looking for support, yet don't know where to find that support: feel free to attend our monthly meeting. Its free, informative and lots of fun!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Economics of a Doula
Our fee is the same regardless of the length of your labor. Because of the nature of birth, an hourly fee would be out of reach for most families. Most doulas in this area charge anywhere from $350 to $950. The fee charged usually reflects the economy of the area as well as the doula's experience and certification status. If you feel you are unable to afford the fee, discuss this with your Doula before saying no and trying to find a 'cheaper' Doula. Its important to create an open discussion around fees and services, because by discussing the services a Doula provides, you just might decide that her services are more important than the fee she is charging.
The fee itself is non-negotiable, but in the spirit of encouraging doula-supported birth, we will do what we can to help you find a doula whose fees are within your financial means or offer payment plans and ways to make it affordable to you. We are a very flexible bunch! :)
Here is a Breakdown of what goes into Doula Services
A doula is a full-time resource, providing emotional support and strength even when not physically present. It's time spent gathering, compiling, and presenting information to help you make choices and understand the implications of those choices. We spend an average of 25 hours with each family, in pre-natal appointments, birth, post-partum. This is in addition to being on call full-time (24/7) for an entire month surrounding your Estimated Due Date. In addition, we are researching, networking, and continuing our education and credentials to provide you with the best service possible. The long hours we may spend with one couple translate into increased experience and knowledge that carries over into the next, possibly shorter, birth. Couples having a first baby may imagine that their doula will only be spending a few hours with them during the labor and birth. In reality, an eight-hour labor would be considered pretty fast; most first labors last at least 24 hours.
Clients per Week - When I make a commitment to be your Doula, I have to limit the number of clients I put on my calendar so as to avoid birth conflicts and to ensure that I am reasonably rested when you go into labor. The rule of thumb for birth professionals providing in-home services (compared to someone working a shift in a hospital or sharing call with another provider) is that one client per week is a full schedule. Two to Three clients a month is a full time schedule for Doulas in this area.
Clients per Year - When I put your due date on my calendar, I commit to being available two weeks beforehand and two weeks after that date. This means that when I schedule a vacation, or attend a conference, or have a commitment that I cannot miss, I have to add another four weeks during which I cannot accept clients. Occasionally, my clients hire me with my backup on-call during times that I may be unavailable. We may turn away potential clients for the period around your due date to avoid conflicts and be reasonably rested when you need us. We will not go out of town (unless in the case of a family emergency) and are available to you at all times. Our family may need to take 2 cars when we go out. We may have to have pre-arranged childcare for children, substitutes for classes we are scheduled to teach, and coverage for other responsibilities. If for any reason we are not able to be available for any period of our on-call commitment to you, we will inform you of this and contract a back-up doula at our own expense.
Being Self-Employed
The rule of thumb is that a self-employed professional's income is only half of what they earn, after deductions for vacation and sick time, self-employment taxes, insurance, and business expenses. As you may imagine, my communication expenses are high - business phone, cell phone and computer connection. I also have typical professional and office expenses, continuing education expenses, and unusually high transportation expenses since I primarily travel to people’s homes.
As an example: lets say a Doula Charges $600 for her Birth Services, she is doing this full time and does not have another source of income. She takes on a full client load of 3 births/month. If she never takes ANY vacation she will have helped 36 clients/yr...With her fee, she is earning $21,600 BEFORE: taxes, internet, business expenses, car, phone, insurance, professional fees. Not to mention normal everyday items such as food, gas, home expenses. If we follow the rule of thumb above, a Doula's take home pay is $10,800/yr Would you be able to live off of $10,800/yr? You can see how Doula's want to be able to provide services for ALL individuals, yet also need to make a living to be self-sustaining and not burnout.
Experience Factor
When I step into a birth, I bring not only my heart and hands and training, but my experience as an athlete, nanny, speaker and continual research on subjects relating to birth. As a doula, I must keep up-to-date on the latest studies, procedures, protocols, and policies surrounding birth and area hospitals and providers. Did you know that doctors, midwives, and nurses usually only know their way of doing things? As a doula I see the variations from hospital to hospital, between care providers, and over time. Being able to work with many different care providers, I learn all their different approaches and tricks, which I think is unique to the doula profession. And considering that every birth and every family teaches me something new, I have a wealth of knowledge and skills to bring to birth.
Putting It All Together
Although I am dedicated to this work, being on-call all the time requires a very high level of personal sacrifice, including a willingness to be awoken after half an hour of sleep to go attend a labor for the next 40 hours. Many Doulas have clients that have had some kind of early labor which starts and stops, resulting in multiple phone calls – often in the middle of the night. We understand that we might spend Birthday's, Family Events, Christmas or any holiday for that matter in Labor with our Clients. Many women who are also parents have to find childcare in the middle of the night if one of their clients goes into labor. During the time period when I am on-call: I cannot take weekend trips away from the area, even dates nights or events with friends have to be chosen carefully... (spontaneity is something only the baby can partake in :)) with birth I never know what I'm going to encounter at a particular labor - I may end up wearing out my body supporting the woman in different birth positions; I may take catnaps sitting in a chair; I may eat nothing but crackers and dried fruit; I may end up holding a vomit bowl for someone vomiting with every contraction during transition; I may end up with blood, meconium or worse on my clothes. (Thank Goodness I have an extremely supportive husband!!) But the financial reward for this? The annual income of someone providing labor support services with a responsible client load and a strong commitment to being available for birth is 1/2 the number of clients per year times their fee per client. (see example above)
Bottom Line
Nobody's getting rich doing doula work. Yet every doula needs to be able to make a decent living without making her life unbearable. I wish I could offer my services at a rate than everyone can afford, yet that would require I make even greater financial sacrifices and de-value what I believe I am worth as a Professional providing an extremely important service. Once I finish my certification, I will determine my rate for my services. It will allow me to do this work and not have to supplement my income from a normal 8-5 job, thus allowing me greater flexibility with my clients. If you need free doula services, there are many ways I can help you find a free doula; otherwise, we are doing future birthing women a disservice by making labor support an underpaid profession that cannot attract or keep talented, skilled individuals. If you end up selecting a doula who is undercharging for her services, I strongly encourage you to pay her more than she is asking; otherwise, she may not be around to help you with your next child. The most common cause of doula burnout is feeling overwhelmed by the commitment and uncompensated for one’s time and dedication.
Advocacy Suggestions
Doula services are rarely covered by medical insurance plans, even though the statistics prove that doulas can save insurance companies lots of money by reducing the use of medications, interventions, time in the hospital, and surgical (Cesarean) births. DONA, the organization that I am receiving my certification from, has been able to create a "Doula Code" with Insurance providers. You can ask your Doula if she has a Doula code, that allows you to receive some amount of what you paid to your Doula by filing a claim with your Insurance Provider. Lobby your State legislature to include doula services in state-funded healthcare so that low-income women have access to experienced doula support and doulas don’t have to further their financial burden by attending these births for free (that is what we do now). Additionally, you could talk with your midwife or doctor to encourage them to offer universal doula care to their clients. By hiring several doulas to be on-call for their clients, they could substantially reduce the cost per birth (and make their job easier) - although in this model the doula might be someone you've never met before. You could also advocate for the hospital to provide universal doula care, so that it would be covered in the same way as their in-house lactation consultants are covered.
By all means, tell everyone you meet about the support you received from a doula – spread the word about doula care so that more doulas are needed and are well-paid and can continue their work for generations to come.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Why "Wellness Doula"?
What is "Wellness"?
As I mentioned above, there really isn't any 'set' definition for the word "wellness". I do not even recall is being a 'word' when I was growing up, so it is a recent addition in the advent of new industries such as Chiropractic Care, Aromatherapy, Massage, Nutrition and other Holistic ways of approaching our life.
Interestingly enough, there is actually a website that offers a definition of wellness and I really did enjoy what they offered. You can view their whole definition here. As they mentioned, 'wellness' is a tough word to define b/c it can be a chameleon or sort, changing with the idea of who offers the definition. From my understanding, it is different from 'health' because I see it as offering a more holistic approach to well-being. Health in my mind tends to mean we are looking at a body and that person can be considered healthy. Wellness, to me, is multi-dimensional, yet offers a way to determine if someone is living the values and principles in every area of their life. Its all encompassing and can also change.
This is the Definition provided from the website above:
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.
*Process means that improvement is always possible
*Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve.
*Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest.
*Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments.
Earl Nightengale always said success is a "progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
If 'Wellness' is all encompassing, then how can we define it so it applies to every area of our life and also allows for us to move forward to improvement and growth.

Looking at this wheel, there is Spirit on the inside and 5 areas of all of our lives around the outside. I look at that and see "Spirit" as "I Am". I am Spirit: (Holy Spirit, Universe, Energy, etc) whichever form you choose to name it, every philosophy has an understanding that there is something 'within' us seeking expression.
How do we seek expression? We all have a Mind, where we question, contemplate, understand, problem-solve, allow and receive ideas that affect our beliefs. We all have a Body that allows us to function throughout the day...and most of them we don't even notice! When was the last time you thought about brushing your teeth? Or thought about how many times your blood pumps through your body each day? Our body allows us to go throughout our overwhelmed would we be if we had to THINK about every function we do? I know I would be exhausted! We all have Family I take this a bit broader and define this as all of our relationships with others. Whether they are related or not, we are very much social human beings and thrive when surrouned by people who support us. It is an inter-dependent relationship, we all need others in our life in some degree. We all live in Society, its our community; we have families and groups we are a part of. We are all part of our Countries in which we live and our Global Society; all of us who live on Earth. The final 'Pillar' is Finances. In order to function in our current society, there needs to be an value of exchange. Our current value for exchange is called "Money." I think its fair to say that all of us would like to have 'more', yet we can also see if we don't have how it affects our daily life.
We can see, by this definition, called the 5 Pillars of Health encompass every area of our life. It also allows us to move forward, offering a 'map' that guides us to improving each of these areas of our life. If you are interested in learning move about the 5 Pillars of Health, feel free to contact me!
How Does This Apply to Being a Doula and Supporting Women in Birth?
Birth is much more than just a physical experience, yes, it demands much from the Mother's body. There are so many changes that take place when a mother and/or couple find out they are pregnant. Questions about being a good parent, who will care for the child during the day, finances to afford the new addition, what will our expanded family think of our great news. It is a multi-faceted experience.
My approach to Birth/Pregnancy and guiding and supporting the new mom and/or partner is very much from the foundation of understanding and creating a foundation of support with these areas as the guidepost. During our pre-natal meetings, we will discuss these 5 different areas, address fears/concerns and allow the mother and/or father to process and discuss. Every parent wants a healthy baby, yet I would think we also want an environment that this new child will grow up in to be healthy as well. Also, the mother and father are stepping from being Adults, to becoming Parents...this is a big step for a lot of people and can be overwhelming on what steps to take.
It might be or take a bit longer and there might be a lot to process. Yet, Stephen Covey always says "Begin with the End in Mind." If we begin from this foundation of Wellness, then we have a guide in regards to daily actions and we have the potential to have less stress and be more aligned with the magic and adventure that life allows and brings to us everyday!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Wake Up Story
The company that I am partnered has become a trusted partner of Healthy Child Healthy World. Becoming a parent is challenging now more than ever. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or for a list of resources about how you can create a Wellness Home for you and your family to thrive!